On 12 February 2019 project partners met in Podgorica to discuss ongoing project activities and to agree on future project work according to the workprogramme.

In the frame of Workstream 1: Awareness, SAE and BiznesAlbania reported on short survey among companies which aim was to get companies feedback on draft legislation on employee involvement. In Albania, the survey shows that the companies with more than 50 employees have a poor awareness about workers’ participation in management and they are confused in their understanding; employees’ participation in management is not promoted by any institution or entity. This comes also by the reaction of the trade unions that consider TU having the flag of this action. In Serbia, one third of companies see workers' involvement in management positively, trade unions are reserved towards such participation. The majority find employees’ participation useful for the whole company, not good only for promotion of employees’ rights, as well they understand the difference between council of employees and trade unions.

In the frame of Workstream 2: Experiment, partners from Montenegro and Macedonia report on the experiment which is being implemented in 3 pilot companies (1 in Montenegro, 2 in Macedonia). In the preparatory phase, ZDS together with MEF and BCM prepared a base/key steps for the implementation of the activities. While Elections in Macedonia were carried in the Summer, Montenegro - due to tourist season - postponed it to November. Both project partners are carrying out regular meetings with pilot companies to review the activities and the involvement of elected representatives into information and consultation process. In April/May 2019 meetings will be organised in pilot companies – together with ZDS - to discuss on-going activities, to advise pilot company on problems that may arise and to discuss any open issues.

In the frame of Workstream 3: Monitoring, project partners prom Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia presented results of national surveys on employers' view on national legislation on employee involvement and its use in practice. Survey phase will be followed by preparation of national recommendations to improve the existing legislation and preparation of the opinion on Directive.

In Slovenia, the overall assessment of cooperation with the works council is 3.47 on the scale of 1-5; half of the respondents rate the cooperation as very good or excellent. Most potential for desired changes has been identified in information and communication, the engagement and working methods. Among the more frequent causes of the cooperation with the works is “insufficient knowledge of the works council to participate in the management”. In Bulgaria,

In Croatia, due to relatively low response of companies, the survey was adapted of contents in terms of adding European Works Councils in multinationals. The survey is also being extended to a larger number of organisations i.e. companies outside the HUP membership in order to get better insight in the functioning of WCs/EWCs and achieve better outreach and visibility of the project in Croatian business community and the public.

In Bulgaria, the national legislation covers the minimum provisions of the transposed Directive, in terms of information and consultations of workers. The survey shows that over 50 % of respondents (companies) directly or indirectly state that the legislation is obsolete and should be amended. Also, over 50 % of respondents admit the absence of information & consultation representation in their companies. Some responding companies make not clear distinction between the role of trade unions and workers’ representation. Given the general understanding that this legal instrument is needed and useful, the workers’ representatives should bear clear responsibility of their decisions in this process, and that the law should regulate the responsibility of the workers’ representation.

Workstream 4: Management is being implemented in accordance with its plan. Partners will meet again in Belgrade in May 2019.


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With financial support from the European Union.