BRIDGE: social partners and intergenerational cooperation in the working environment

In the period between August 2013 and August 2014, the ZDS was involved as a partner in the project entitled the "BRIDGE" (‘MOST’) led by the Representative Trade Union Association of Slovenia. The project associated young and elderly employees and raised their awareness of the importance of cooperation, motivated them for various forms of cooperation and provided tools for better cooperation and mutual learning.

New forms of employment of youth, particularly highly educated were identified in pilot companies within the framework of the project. The demographic changes and the sustainability of the pension system require an increase in the working age. It is harder for the elderly employed persons, normally with lower formal education and extensive professional experience, to keep pace with the development of digitalisation, modernisation of work processes and new forms of work. They also stay employed longer. Young people, entering the labour market later, normally have higher education and different values, a different way of thinking and different types of skills than older people. Therefore, it is difficult for young people to get their first job.


Project strategic objectives

  • Identify and promote various forms of intergenerational cooperation within target groups,
  • Identify barriers in this area and define the means to remove them as well as propose measures for improved intergenerational cooperation.


In November 2013, a survey was carried out among the companies with the answers it provided benefiting the project partners for their further work and adequate preparation of measures and recommendations to facilitate intergenerational cooperation in work processes.

The project is partly financed by the European Union, namely from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for 2007-2013, 1st priority axis: "Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability", Priority 1.4: "Promotion of development of new employment opportunities".

Projekt delno financira Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega socialnega Sklada v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov za obdobje 2007-2013, 1. razvojne prioritete: “Spodbujanje podjetništva in prilagodljivosti«, 1.4 prednostne usmeritve: »Pospeševanje razvoja novih zaposlitvenih možnosti«.