On 14 September ZDS Secretary Joze Smole and BUSINESSEUROPE Director General Mr Philippe de Buck met in Brussels.

The aim of the meeting was to discuss the BE’s change management policy and positions, and exchange views regarding the formulation of common project recommendations regarding the change management policies at EU level.

Mr. Smole presented the results of the survey that was carried out and the progress of the project and related activities. Later on the positions of BUSINESSEUROPE regarding the change management were presented and cross-compared with the key findings of the survey in all three participating countries. Further on the debate on the position and results followed, with a view to prepare the general outline for the draft recommendations that are to be considered and coordinated among other project partners.

Mr. Smole and Mr. De Buck addressed the foreseen role of each member state regarding the issue, and contemplated the possible role of employers’ associations in the process of building the national policies and further role of employers’ associations providing support to the companies at managing changes, after the project concludes.


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The project Network ProMCR is co-funded by the European Commission.