For better mobility

For better mobility

In April 2008 the project FOR BETTER MOBILITY was begun, which aims to:

  • develop innovative measures and policy actions to improve the geographical and job-to-job mobility of workers within and to Slovenia and remove remaining barriers,
  • encourage Slovenian companies and workers to greater occupational and geographical mobility.
  • Cooperation for better mobility: investigating obstacles and barriers to mobility in Slovenia, developing measures and policy actions to overcome the obstacles and implementation of the action plan
  • providing information/training to companies for better mobility on the following topics:
    o the employment of foreign workers to open up more workplace for EU workers,
    o the employment of seasonal and temporary workers,
    o recognition of (regulated) qualifications,
    o taxation of foreign workers (non-residents),
    o how to improve geographical and occupational mobility of workers within one company
  • nformation and awareness raising activities (such as brochure to inform companies about workers mobility, website services on mobility, PR activities, leaflet about the project, event to present results of workshops for better mobility and inform about the project results)

The project involves the following partners’ organizations:
Employment Service of Slovenia – ZZRS
European Job Mobility Portal – EURES
Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia – ZSSS
ADECCO H.R. d.o.o.
Chamber of commerce and industry of Slovenia - Institute for Business education and training CPU
Zavod META – Institute for development of family and female entrepreneurship 
Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs - MDDSZ

What should be done in order to increase geographical and occupational mobility in and to Slovenia among both workers and companies?
In the framework of the project the action plan for better mobility will be prepared and presented at the Conference in September 2009. The partners meet in workshops to discuss barriers and obstacles to mobility, develop an action plan to overcome these obstacles and promote better mobility and insure its implementation.

As a result we expect simplification of procedures especially of regulated qualifications, better regulation in collective agreements and other measures promoting mobility. Not only companies, domestic and foreign workers will benefit from the action plan. Also the partners themselves, as they gain new knowledge and experience and form a better cooperation among them, which will last after the project.


EU logoThe project receives funding from the European Commissionand Ministry of Labour, Family and Social affairs.