BATOS – bipartism as a tool of success

BATOS – bipartism as a tool of success


The overall objective of the BATOS project is to strengthen the quality of autonomous bipartite social dialogue in the Republic of Croatia. Specific objectives are:

  • To enable permanent bipartite consultations and to strengthen the role of social partners in Croatia in the overall social dialogue through a new form of sustainable cooperation between social partners;
  • To strengthen the knowledge and capacity of social partners and to raise awareness for efficient bipartite social dialogue, with emphasis on EU social dialogue and process of autonomous Framework Agreements' implementation, and thus foster their effective participation in the EU social dialogue.


Espected results

  • improved coordination mechanism through new approach to collaboration in sustainable partnership (that will be continued after the end of the project);
  • strengthened forms for bipartite social dialogue at all levels;
  • stronger presence in bipartite and tripartite structures and influence on policy formulation and implementation;
  • strenghtened links with counterparts from EU umbrella organisations and networking at national, EU and international level;
  • enhanced capacities and expertise for bipartite consultations and effective participation in EU social dialogue, particularly the field of autonomous Framework Agreements (FAs);
  • raised awareness and encouraged visibility and disseminated actions.


Main activities

  • Preparation of a new model of bipartite social partnership:
    • set up, launch and functioning of a permanent body - Bipartite Social Economic Council (BSEC),
    • regular consultations with the Croatian government and stakeholders,
    • creation of a forum for exchange of experiences and good practices,
    • drafting recommendations for implementation of Framework Agreements
  • Training programs in the field of EU social dialogue and autonomous Framework Agreements:
    • 8 workshops for representatives of EOs and TUs
    • dissemination of produced training materials
  • Awareness raising:
    • project brochure, which will include the guidelines for implementation of autonomous Framework Agreements at the national level, and experience and best practices of some EU countries in the modalities of implementation of Framework Agreements
    • Organisation of 2 national conferences,
    • Organisation of 4 press conferences
    • preparation of press releases
    • dissemination of project information and results via partners’ websites
  • Monitoring and evaluation


Partnership and target groups

Project partners:

  • Croatian Employers’ Association (CEA) - lead partner
  • Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia (UATUC)
  • Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS)

Affiliate partners:

  • International Organization of Employers (IOE);
  • Independent Trade Unions of Croatia (ITUC)
  • Trade Union of Constructin industry of Croatia (SGH)
  • Tourism and Services Trade Union of Croatia (STUH)
  • Metal Workers' Trade Union of Croatia (SMH-IS)

Target group: Employers' and trade unions' organisations - sectoral and affiliated organisations and their members – around 6.000 member companies of Croatian Employers Association (with 500.000 workers) and around 100.000 members of trade unions affiliated to Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia

Final beneficiaries: Entire business community of Croatia, entire Croatian workforce, Croatian Government, public sector representatives in charge of social dialogue and competent institutions, civil society organisations, local and regional governments, nation as a whole

The role of ZDS in the project is to transfer the knowledge and share experience with Croatian partners in relation to the implementation of Framework Agreements in Slovenia. ZDS will take part in the training programme by presenting its experience in conferences and workshops. It will also contribute to initiation of exchange forum and participate in it. ZDS will contribute to dissemination by publishing project information and outcomes on this website, the magazine Delodajalec and via other channels.


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Investing in your future

Project is co-financed by the European Union, from the European Social Fund